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China Visa Center Announcement
The Immigration Department (ImmD) today (January 14) announced an adjustment of submission means for applications under various admission policies/schemes to further promote electronic services for visa applications.
With effect from January 17, the ImmD will adjust the submission means of the following admission policies/schemes:
General Employment Policy (including both employment and investment as entrepreneurs);
Admission Scheme for Mainland Talents and Professionals;
Capital Investment Entrant Scheme;
Working Holiday Scheme; and
Residence as Dependants.
Applicants of the aforementioned admission policies/schemes must submit their applications for visa/entry permits and extensions of stay by electronic services with effect from January 17. The ImmD will no longer accept such applications submitted in person, or by post or drop-in-box. The eligibility and approval criteria for the relevant policies/schemes remain unchanged. After submitting the applications, applicants can also upload supplementary documents and/or inquire as to the status of applications online if necessary.
Electronic services for a visa application allow applicants to complete the entire process of an application submission, payment and collection of an "e-Visa" through the ImmD mobile application, the ImmD's website (www.immd.gov.hk/eng/index.html) or the GovHK website (www.gov.hk/en/nonresidents/), without having to visit an Immigration Office in person.
For enquiries, please call 2824 6111, or send enquiries to the ImmD by email at enquiry@immd.gov.hk or by fax at 2877 7711.